PROJECT: „ISEMOA – Improving Seamless Energy-efficient Mobility chains for Al”
Supported by: Intelligent Energy – Europe
BUDGET: 1 557 468 €
DURATION: 36 months (2010 May – 2013 May)
PARTNERS: 19 organizations from 13 European countries (Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Spain, Slovenia, Romania, Poland, Belgium, Swеden, UK, Slovakia, Ireland, Italy)

PROJECT SUMMARY: ISEMOA aims to help European municipalities, cities, and regions to increase energy-efficiency in transport by improving the accessibility of the door-to-door mobility-chains and thus enabling all citizens and visitors (including people with reduced mobility (PRM)) to adopt a less car-dependent life-style. Furthermore, improving the accessibility of public spaces and public transport will increase the quality and attractiveness of public transport, and contribute to increase safety in walking and cycling.
In order to achieve this goal, ISEMOA will develop tailor-made quality-management-schemes for continuous improvement of the accessibility of the whole door-to-door mobility-chain in European municipalities, cities, and regions (in the following text these schemes are called ISEMOA QM-schemes). These QM-schemes are a standardised quality management process with which a municipality, city or region can assess (together with an external auditor) the state of the art of accessibility in public space and public transport and on that basis develop strategies and measures to improve the quality of accessibility continuously.
The ISEMOA QM-schemes will apply a holistic approach by taking into account:
- the needs of all categories of PRM (i.e. people with disabilities, people with heavy/bulky luggage, people with small children, people with temporal impairments, older people,…)
- the whole door-to-door mobility-chain, including walking, cycling, public transport, multi-modal mobility
- all kinds of barriers (i.e. barriers related to physical conditions, organizational aspects, attitudes of people,…)
In order to elaborate these ISEMOA QM-schemes the project sets a strong focus on continuous involvement of all relevant stakeholder-groups right from the beginning of the project: Representatives of PRM, city-consultants, and cities form the Advisory Committee of the project and bring in their point of view throughout the whole project. Furthermore, the development of the
ISEMOA QM-schemes will be an iterative process as they will be implemented in 15 test-sites all over Europe, and will be improved according to the stakeholders’-feedback.
These implementation-processes will also raise awareness among the local and regional decision-makers of the correlation of energy-efficiency in transport and accessibility. Furthermore, the implementation-processes will initiate communication among all relevant local/regional stakeholders and help to bring forward a local/regional strategy for improvement of accessibility.
ISEMOA will actively approach consultants, agencies, and organizations working with municipalities/cities/regions all over Europe and invite these stakeholders to attend the ISEMOA training-workshops for external auditors which will be implemented in 15 European countries in order to enable consultants, agencies, and city-advisors to use the ISEMOA QM-schemes for their daily work with municipalities, cities, and regions. The ISEMOA website will provide an information and networking platform for external auditors and interested public entities.
More information: www.isemoa.eu