гр. Варна, бул. "Осми Приморски Полк" 67А

„Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It's about doing more good.“

Jochen Zeitz

Who are we

Black Sea Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Energy Management (BSRAEM)

is a voluntary organization, registered in 2003 as in accordance with the Bulgarian Act on Non-for-profit Juridical Persons. The activities of the BSRAEM cover the territory of the Bulgarian Black Sea Cost by means of collaboration with the Agency for Sustainable Energy Development and the regional energy centers in Bulgaria.


To coordinate the activities of Bulgarian Black Sea municipalities in the sphere of energy management and sustainable development. It organizes their efforts in the process of solving common for the Black Sea region problems.


The Black Sea Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Energy Management will:

  • assist small Local Authorities in their in-house energy conservation as an example to other bodies;
  • provide information and public awareness, campaigns on energy conservation and development of RES;
  • assist private developers and SMEs in realization of energy management projects.



The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Agency. It consists of its members. The General Assembly elects the members of the Managing Board of the BSRAEM.


The Managing Board consists of at least three persons members of the BSREAM. The number of the members of the Managing Board is determined by the General Assembly.  The members of the Managing Council are elected for a period of two years. The Managing Board represents the union through its Chairperson and determines the representative authority of the rest of its members.


The Executive Director is responsible for the implementation of the Managing Board decision, monitors and coordinates the BSRAEM administrative activities.


Goals and Activities

  • Exchange of information and experience. Creation of the data base for common use;  Collecting information about domestic and foreign loans and grants for investments to reduce energy consumption and improve the environment; Assistance to Black sea municipalities in preparation of documents for bank loans and grant applications; Education in the field of efficient energy utilization, exchange of experience concerning energy efficiency projects; Exchange of information about public and private energy institutions operating in Bulgaria; Organization of training courses, especially with participation of foreign experts; Consulting.
  • Common lobbying and support for energy efficiency policies. Support to Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities in the creation and implementation of energy efficiency and environment protection policies; Campaigns to promote sustainable development and rational use of energy; common lobbying at the national and regional level; Joint representation in the national and international level.
  • Collection of information and distribution of positive practices concerning energy projects, programs and related activities which will be analyzed, categorized and promoted towards all possible users.
  • Consulting and technical support to the end users. The BSRAEM elaborates studies in the fields of composition of particular proposals for EC funded programs in all field of interest – energy saving, renewable energy sources, energy networks, etc. The BSRAEM will support, coordinate, promote and disseminate successful practices such as the street revamping project, the on-site energy exploitation of the agro-industrial waste processing, energy crops, etc.
  • Database information collection. Collection, categorization and dissemination of all information that exists or will arise in the process of the Agency’s operation that related to energy issues in the broadest possible sense
  • To contribute to the development of Regional Action Plan for the “Reduction and Stabilization of the CO, SO, NO and other emissions“;
  • To transfer the best practices and experience of the European union and Intenrational know-how in the energy management;
  • To contribute through energy efficiency improvement to the resolution of national tasks of the energy and environment policy, thus contributing to the sustainable social and economic development of the Bulgarian Black Sea Region;
  • To create conditions for reduction of the burden of energy costs on municipal budgets and for utilization of the money saved for funding of other priority activities on the area of the Black Sea located municipalities;
  • To through energy efficiency improvement to the reduction of the energy costs of individual end users in the municipalities on the North Black Sea Region (businesses and households);
  • To contribute to the formation of energy conservation policy at all management levels in the Bulgarian Black Sea Region as a means to achieving economic and environmental benefits for the region;
  • To promote RUE and RES and development of RES in the Black Sea region of Bulgaria;
  • To assist the process of institutional development and capacity building in the Black Sea Region as a prerequisite for the initiation, development and implementation of energy efficiency programs;
  • To assist the development of a local market and promote local manufacture of energy-saving materials, products and services;
  • To assist technology transfer and exchange of experience, know-how and information on energy efficiency.

The Agency has implemented a significant number of projects dealing with raising awareness activities and capacity building of municipal administration, experts and specialists in energy and climate, business representatives, etc. within national and transnational projects and initiatives; awareness campaigns among different target groups (citizens, students, municipal administrators etc.) aiming at modal shift of the behavior in respect to energy efficiency, climate protection, sustainable transport and mobility; elaboration of electronic training platforms

In 2009 BSRAEM signed with the EC as CoM Supporting Structure so as to assist further the development and implementation of municipal SEAPs.  Since then the Agency has participated in the development and implementation of the SEAPs of several Bulgarian municipalities, such as the SEAP of Burgas, Dalgopol, Aksakovo, Nessebar, Valchi Dol, Beloslav, etc.

BSRAEM is operating mainly in the area of Black sea coast, but not limited to it. The Agency, being active in the area of climate protection and sustainable development has performed trainings, seminars and public events for municipal staff and stakeholders, related to energy management, energy savings and energy efficiency, as well as in development of Sustainable Energy Action Plans and the benefits of them.




Seminars and Conferences


Green Public Procurements 


Energy and Strategic Planning


Covenant of Mayors

covenant of mayors

Why would anyone want to procure green? How GREENS project supported Europe's public authorities in the process of GPP?



PROJECT: “ABRACADABRA – Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to zeRo energy, Activating a market for deep renovation”

ALMA MATER STUDIORUM, Università di Bologna (UNIBO) – Italy, Project coordinator
D’APPOLONIA (DAPP) and Ecuba S.r.l. (ECUBA) from Italy
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UOA) from Greece
Foundation for Development, Innovation and Technology (FUNDITEC) and Sociedad Aragonesa de Gestión Medioambiental (SARGA) from Spain
Cecodhas Housing Europe (CECODHAS); Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE); Banca Monte Paschi Belgio (MPB); Partenaires Europeens puor l’enviroment (EPE)and International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) from Belgium
ICLEI European Secretariat (ICLEI) from Denmark
EnergyPro Ltd (ENERGYPRO) from Ukrain
Municipality of Brasov (BRASOV) from Romania
TU Delft Onderzoek voor de gebouwde omgeving (OTB) from Netherlands
Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology (TRETEKNISK) from Norway
Black Sea Regional Agency for Energy Management (BRAESM) from Bulgaria

Supported by:  Research and innovation programme, HORIZONT 2020, Call: H2020-EE-2015-MarketUptake

Overall Objective: ABRACADABRA is based on the prior assumption that non-energy related benefits play a key role in the deep renovation of existing buildings. In fact, ABRACADABRA is based on the prior assumption that non-energy-related benefits play a key role in the deep renovation of existing buildings. In particular, ABRA actions focus on the creation of a substantial increase of the real estate value of the existing buildings through a significant energy and architectural transformation. The central goals of the proposal consist of an important reduction of the pay back time of the interventions, a strengthening of the key investors’ confidence, increasing quality and attractiveness of the existing buildings’ stock and, finally, reaching a concrete market acceleration towards the Nearly Zero Energy Buildings target.

The actual investment gap in the deep renovation sector is due to the fact that high investments are required up-front and they are generally characterized by an excessively high degree of risk and long payback times. It is therefore necessary to develop harmonized, concerted and innovative actions to unlock the needed public and private funds, fill the energy efficiency investment gap and ultimately contribute to re-launch the construction market and create new jobs.

Therefore, ABRA aims at demonstrating to the key stakeholders and financial investors the attractiveness of a new renovation strategy based on AdoRe, intended as one (or a set of) Assistant Building unit(s) – like aside or faзade addictions, rooftop extensions or even an entire new building construction – that adopt the existing buildings (the Assisted Buildings).  The creation of these new Assistant Buildings’ Additions integrated with Renewable Energy Sources aims at reducing the initial investment allocated for the deep renovation of the existing building creating an up-grading synergy between old and new.

The ABRA strategy results in the implementation of a punctual densification policy that has been proven capable of fostering the investments in deep renovation of the existing built environment throughout Europe.


Relevant target groups and key actors:
o private property owners
o housing association/developers
o local building SMEs
o financial institutions

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Abracadabra Project H2020

More information: http://www.abracadabra-project.eu/

PROJECT: “MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies”

Supported by: European Commission, Intelligent Energy Europe Programme

DURATION: 30 months (May 2011 – December  2013)

BUDGET: 1 404 763 €

PARTNERS: 8 organizations from 7 European countries (Italy, Bulgaria, Austria,  Slovenia, Greece, Spain, Sweden, Cyprus); ECUBA – Bologna, Italy – Lead partner



The European Performance of Building Directive (EPBD), Directive 2010/31/EU “Recast”, requires that Member States (MS) organise inspections of Boilers (art. 14) and of Air Conditioning systems (art. 15), to reduce energy consumption and limiting carbon dioxide emissions, and that these inspections be carried out in an independent manner by qualified and/or accredited experts, whether operating as sole traders or employed by public or private enterprise bodies. EPBD requires that the inspection report contains also a comparison of the energy performance of the system inspected with that of (i) the best available system feasible and (ii) a system of similar type for which all relevant components achieve the level of energy performance required by the applicable legislation, and recommendations for the cost-effective improvement of the energy performance of the system of the building or parts thereof. The final users will therefore obtain a targeted information and advice to be effectively moved towards a better energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources, and the occurrence of a visit at home is a very effective way to obtain this successfully. This approach requires a costly and complicated organisation of the inspection service by the public authorities, therefore there is motivation to develop a simpler and cost effective approach.

PROJECT SUMMARY: MOVIDA wants to test a new approach based on service staff already operating commercially on systems, performing O&M, or environmental controls (chimney sweepers) or energy auditing. On the other side the approach provides an added value to existing services, as advice and recommendations are supplied to the clients. The project will have accompanying phases (training, advice-generating tools, code of conduct, evaluation of report quality and inspection impact), and organises 2 inspection campaigns for a total of 20,000 inspections, addressed to residential heating systems and to small (but >12 kW) AC systems in tertiary sector (an upper threshold, i.e. 50kW will be defined to ensure the project addresses only medium size offices, hotels restaurants and medium size commerce (small supermarkets, department stores) . The results will be transferred to EU level, to the Concerted Action on EPBD (representing experts from 29 MS), to national standard organisations and to regional/national EPBD implementation authorities.

Specific objectives of the project:

  • Effect on main target: To test the new inspection approach and the advice-generating tool on skilled inspectors, then train and qualify young or new O&M technicians in inspecting HVAC systems.
  • Effect on the additional target: To reach a large number of final users and assess the impact of the received inspection + advice on their attitude to invest on EE and RES, and on effective implemented investments.
  • Change of market: To induce a significant percentage of the “inspected” end users to implement EE and RES measures.
  • Contribution to EU policies: To develop a methodology for providing inspection + advice in an “independent manner” (art. 16 EPBD Recasting) by O&M technicians, to disseminate it to national technical an regulating EPBD authorities, helping EPBD policy makers in all MS in implementing the Recast EPBD.

The impact on the EIE Priority “Consumer behaviour”:

– The action directly raises awareness among various groups of individual consumers for issues covered by the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, applying the new concepts of Recast EPBD on 20.000 final users, in parallel with the national implementations (deadline is  9th July 2012), showing that this concept is applicable, cost effective, achieves reduction of energy consumption and limitation of carbon dioxide emissions.

Major outputs and Results

  • 2 inspection campaigns in each participating region (8), one for heating only and the second both for heating and cooling;
  • 8 developments of training courses for technicians;
  • Accreditation of 200 technicians as inspectors by their associations;
  • 8 telephone help desks.
  • 8 advice-generating tools for inspectors;
  • 20,000 inspections
  • 1 Code of Conduct, which will be signed by the technicians accepting to participate in the pilot campaign;
  • 8 Advisory Committees created at regional/national level and 1 EU-level Advisory Committee meeting in Brussels.
  • 3 evaluation reports: i) evaluation of the quality of reports, ii) evaluation on the independent manner of the inspection performance, iii) evaluation of the impact of the campaigns.
  • 200 young or new technicians trained and qualified for delivering recommendations
  • Project website.

Target groups:

  •  Service personnel (technicians responsible for O&M, chimney           sweepers, energy auditors);
  • regional or national authorities  responsible for implementation of EPBD, the consumers’  associations representing the final users, the national standard organisations;
  • consumers (residential sector for heating system  inspections, residential and tertiary sector for AC system  inspections)

For more information:  www.movida-project.eu

PROJECT: “Public-Private Partnership Scheme for Integrated Energy Retrofitting of Municipal Buildings (ENERBUILD)”

BUDGET: 24 000 €

DURATION: 12 months (November 2006 December 2007)

Supported by: PHARE Programme – Economic and Social Cohesion, Public-Private Partnership Grant Scheme, Ministry of Economy and Energy

Applicant: Beloslav Municipality


PROJECT SUMMARY: ENERBUILD is a pilot model for energy auditing of the building stock and practical planning for the improvement of energy performance of the buildings in the municipalities of Beloslav, Byala and Aksakovo. The aim is to define procedures for promoting energy retrofitting measures, calculation of the resulting energy saving (in MW and BGN) and development of a practical scheme for the distribution of the energy saving dividends among the Municipalities as the building owners and the performer of the energy saving (ESCO schemes), that guarantees the implementation of the retrofitting measures with minimum burden over the municipal budgets.

TARGET GROUP: the municipal authorities in the three municipalities: Beloslav, Byala and Aksakovo (which form the public side of the PPP cooperation scheme), and the energy service companies in the Northeastern-planning region of Bulgaria (which form the private side of the PPP cooperation scheme).

The physical target of the project activities are the municipal buildings with developed constructed area of over 1000 sq.m., which must be retrofitted audited, certified and retrofitted according to Art. 9 and 16 of the Energy Efficiency Law.

Estimated outputs and impacts:

The successful implementation of the ENERBUILD project shall result in the opening of a new market niche in the energy service sector in the three municipalities Beloslav, Byala and Aksakovo and improved investment interest for retrofitting of the municipal buildings.

The existing possibility for implementing energy efficiency measures in municipal buildings without initial investment is a stimulus for the local authorities to organize expediently the energy auditing of these buildings. Thus the private companies shall have an economic basis to calculate the pay-off period of any energy saving investment on the basis of contract with guaranteed result.

The ENERBUILD project provides an ESCO scheme for reduction of the municipal energy consumption without extensive human, technical and financial resources. The partnership with private companies whilst preserving the municipality’s role of leadership in setting up the policy and legal conditions for the cooperation is a very feasible solution.

Therefore the pilot ENERBUILD model has an excellent potential to be multiplied in all Bulgarian municipalities once it is successfully tested in Beloslav, Byala and Aksakovo. Moreover national legal base created with the Energy Efficiency Law requires the mayors to take immediate actions to improve the survey and improve the energy performance of the municipal building stock.


PROJECT: “Best Practical model of sun solar energy production in Northern Black sea coastal area”

Supported by: Програма “Малки проекти” на Глобалния Екологичен Фонд

DURATION: October 2009  – March 2011


  • Black Sea regional agency for energy management (BSRAEM) – Lead partner
  • Faculty of Architecture, Varna Free University
  • Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities
  • Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds


PROJECT SUMMARY: The goal of project proposal is to stimulate the use of  solar energy on North Black Sea coast by improve capacity and knowledge of local experts and community and initiation activities on national and local level to overcome barriers for photovoltaic. Under project activities we will investigate power characteristic of real photovoltaic system and determinate the most suitable photovoltaic module for local climate conditions. Another important point is that we will prepare photovoltaic guideline for installers and engineers.

Background: There is a tendency of reducing the prices of the panels; therefore the project shall be implemented at present in order to demonstrate the most effective systems in Bulgarian conditions.

Currently there are introduced a number of trainings on RES, but however guidebooks of photovoltaic design and installation for professionals are not developed in practice. Moreover, only specific and qualified experts can develop such technical projects. The production and publication of a Manual is to be one of the project deliverables.

The supporting program does not provide a finance to purchase the photovoltaic modules. So, BSRAEM are looking for PV producer which  can offer us a sample  of installation  of approximately 2,5 kWp Monocrystalline solar modules, 2,5 kWp Polycrystalline solar modules and 2,5 kWp Silicon thin-film solar modules.

Added value will be good advertisement for the producer and a very specific survey of the local market. In case we may discuss the possibility to be come a trade agent of the producer in the future. As I said above, the photovoltac market in Bulgaria is at very low level now. But the new elected government have strong requirements according the implementation of the EU goals. So we expect that the photovoltaic market will grow up drastically in the near future.

PROJECT: “Energy Self Supply in Rural Communities”

Supported by: Intelligent Energy Executive Agency, under Alternar Programme

DURATION: 2006 – 2008

Waterford County Council – Coordinators (IRELAND)
Carmarthenshire County Council (WALES UK)
B.P.C & Associates (IRELAND)
Amexial Energy Agency (PORTUGAL)
Black Sea Regional Agency For Energy Management (BULGARIA)

PROJECT SUMMARY: The aim of this project is to define the incentives and the barriers to energy self supply in rural communities! To define what further incentives are necessary and what actions are required to remove or avoid barriers; To establish a pilot rural self supply co-operative in each of the four project partner countries (Ireland, Portugal, Wales U.K., Bulgaria) and provide technical & administrative support for these co-operatives for their first year of operation
In the first year of the project, the incentives for the locally available renewable energies will be evaluated in each participating country.   This evaluation includes availability of renewable energies, financial incentives, technical support, distribution structures and facilities.
The barriers to the development of rural energy co-operative will also be examined including legal, planning (local and national) financial and technical. This includes studies about laws, financial & technical planning on both local & national scales (e.g. Grid connections etc.).
Feasibility studies in each of the four countries will be carried out to establish the financial and technical viability of rural Co-Operative for self supply of renewable energy.


  • To define the incentives and barriers to energy self supply in rural communities! Define what further incentives are necessary and what actions are required to remove or avoid barriers.
  • To establish a pilot rural self supply co-operative in each of the four project partner countries (Ireland, Portugal, Wales U.K., Bulgaria) and provide technical & administrative support for these co-operatives for their first year of operation.

1. Establishment of an energy Co-Operative that will provide a supply locally in the community.
2. Alternative Farming Energy enterprises.
3. Reduce Green House Gas Emissions.
4. Greater usage of indigenous energy resources.
5. Opportunities for the replication, in each of the participating countries.


PROJECT: “MOBISEC –Mobility Initiatives for Sustainable European Communities

Supported by: DG “MOVE” of the European Commission


BUDGET: 1 271 000 €

DURATION: 36 months (January 2010 – December 2012)


Background: A large majority of European citizens live in an urban environment, with over 60% living in urban areas of over 10.000 inhabitants. They live their daily lives in the same space, and for their mobility share the same infrastructure. Urban mobility accounts for 40% of all CO 2 emissions of road transport and up to 70% of other pollutants from transport.

European cities increasingly face problems caused by transport and traffic. The question of how to enhance mobility while at the same time reducing congestion, accidents and pollution is a common challenge to all major cities in Europe. Congestion in the EU is often located in and around urban areas and costs nearly 100 billion Euro, or 1% of the EU’s GDP, annually. Cities themselves are usually in the best position to find the right responses to these challenges, taking into account their specific circumstances.

In relation to the adopted urban and transport European policy the MOBISEC project (Mobility Initiatives for Sustainable European Communities) starts its activities in January 2012 in order to help three European cities – Murcia (Spain), Oldham (UK) and Varna (Bulgaria) reach their specific goals for greener and environmentally friendly urban transport.

PROJECT SUMMARY:  The general objectives of MOBISEC projects are:

Promotion of the use of bicycle as usual transport mean, that can offer an alternative to the use of particular vehicles. This way the effects of particular vehicles will be decreased: traffic jams, consumption of fossil fuels, air pollution, noise and use of land.

Guarantee the safety of users of public roads and especially cyclists and pedestrians. At present, bicycle is one of the more vulnerable means of transport. One of the key factors to boost the use of bicycle is that users can feel the safety when they use it. Because of that, cycle lanes must be infrastructures with a high level of security for all users on the public roads.

Intermodality, strategies to promote the intermodality of bicycle with other transport means have to be launched. The planning of cycle paths should be consistent with the net of other transport means like buses or trams and the public parking places in the city.

Citizen participation. Education programs for all ages, that remark the advantages of this transport mean for the environment and for the health. Actions to promote citizen participation in the process of the project, meetings, forums, webtools, etc.

The MOBISEC project activities will stress on safety of cyclists and pedestrians as those are regarded as most threatened and vulnerable traffic participants. The innovative measures that will be implemented will not only guarantee the safety and security of these groups, but will also attract more people to the sustainable transport modes.

For more information: http://eumobisec.eu

PROJECT: „ISEMOA – Improving Seamless Energy-efficient Mobility chains for Al”

Supported by: Intelligent Energy – Europe

BUDGET: 1 557 468 €

DURATION: 36 months (2010 May – 2013 May)

PARTNERS: 19 organizations from 13 European countries (Austria,  Germany, Bulgaria,  Spain, Slovenia, Romania, Poland, Belgium,  Swеden, UK, Slovakia, Ireland, Italy)








PROJECT SUMMARY: ISEMOA aims to help European municipalities, cities, and regions to increase energy-efficiency in transport by improving the accessibility of the door-to-door mobility-chains and thus enabling all citizens and visitors (including people with reduced mobility (PRM)) to adopt a less car-dependent life-style. Furthermore, improving the accessibility of public spaces and public transport will increase the quality and attractiveness of public transport, and contribute to increase safety in walking and cycling.

In order to achieve this goal, ISEMOA will develop tailor-made quality-management-schemes for continuous improvement of the accessibility of the whole door-to-door mobility-chain in European municipalities, cities, and regions (in the following text these schemes are called ISEMOA QM-schemes). These QM-schemes are a standardised quality management process with which a municipality, city or region can assess (together with an external auditor) the state of the art of accessibility in public space and public transport and on that basis develop strategies and measures to improve the quality of accessibility continuously.

The ISEMOA QM-schemes will apply a holistic approach by taking into account:

  • the needs of all categories of PRM (i.e. people with disabilities, people with heavy/bulky luggage, people with small children, people with temporal impairments, older people,…)
  • the whole door-to-door mobility-chain, including walking, cycling, public transport, multi-modal mobility
  • all kinds of barriers (i.e. barriers related to physical conditions, organizational aspects, attitudes of people,…)

In order to elaborate these ISEMOA QM-schemes the project sets a strong focus on continuous involvement of all relevant stakeholder-groups right from the beginning of the project: Representatives of PRM, city-consultants, and cities form the Advisory Committee of the project and bring in their point of view throughout the whole project. Furthermore, the development of the

ISEMOA QM-schemes will be an iterative process as they will be implemented in 15 test-sites all over Europe, and will be improved according to the stakeholders’-feedback.

These implementation-processes will also raise awareness among the local and regional decision-makers of the correlation of energy-efficiency in transport and accessibility. Furthermore, the implementation-processes will initiate communication among all relevant local/regional stakeholders and help to bring forward a local/regional strategy for improvement of accessibility.

ISEMOA will actively approach consultants, agencies, and organizations working with municipalities/cities/regions all over Europe and invite these stakeholders to attend the ISEMOA training-workshops for external auditors which will be implemented in 15 European countries in order to enable consultants, agencies, and city-advisors to use the ISEMOA QM-schemes for their daily work with municipalities, cities, and regions. The ISEMOA website will provide an information and networking platform for external auditors and interested public entities.

More information: www.isemoa.eu

PROJECT: “ADD HOME – Mobility Management for housing areas – from car-dependency to free choice”

Supported by: Intelligent Energy Europe


  • Austrian Mobility Research, FGM-AMOR, Austria
  • Azienda Mobilità e Infrastrutture S.p.A., Iatly
  • ILS NRW, Germany
  • Rhomberg Bau GmbH, Austria
  • University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovenia
  • BSRAEM, Bulgaria

BUDGET: 1 557 468 €

DURATION: 36 months (May 2010  – April 2013)


PROJECT SUMMARY: ADD HOME aims to reduce transport needs and is fostering a modal shift from car-trips to energy saving modes especially starting from residential areas.

ADD HOME has three main tasks:
1) Demonstration projects on mobility services, infrastructural changes in the planning phase and offers that foster energy saving modes of transport
2) Elaboration of guidelines and a set of materials for followers and future projects
3) Large scale dissemination through various media channels, national training sessions and the exploitation of associations’ possibilities

ADD HOME covers the thematic fields of transportation, mobility management, administration of housing areas, planning and constructing of housing areas as well as legislative and regulative preconditions all together resulting in energy savings. Its interdisciplinary approach is goal-oriented to the needs and demands of the key actors within the project.

ADD HOME has defined 9 target groups including stakeholders and market actors. Among these groups are 3 main target groups.

    • Public authorities / decision makers
    • Housing companies / construction companies
    • Transport providers
    • Tenant associations
    • Mobility / land use experts
    • Mobility service providers
    • Management / energy agencies
    • Local suppliers (local economy)
    • Legislators

ADD HOME will show its impacts and results in several areas, some of them will become visible immediately, others will show under a longer term perspective

Outcomes of ADD HOME
1) Energy savings (pre-condition, accessibility, mobility services)
2) Training (well-educated experts, self-study-material)
3) Dissemination (roll-ups/poster, homepage, brochure, teaser postcards, e-newsletter, links, e-presentations, E-learning)
4) Networking
5) Pioneer-Work

Energy savings are realised in three different fields. They are described in the following paragraph. It is expected that ADD HOME will achieve energy and emission savings within the project duration of

  • 34,034,000 kwh,
  • 3,640,000 l fuel and respectively of €
  • 9,100,000 kg CO2 and
  • 36,400,000 km motorised mobility.

More information: www.add-home.eu

PROJECT: “ADDED VALUE – Information and awareness campaigns to enhance the effectiveness of investments and infrastructure measures for energy-efficient urban transport”

Supported by: Intelligent Energy Europe, Grant agreement no.: EIE/07/127-SI2.466704

DURATION: 36 months (01.11.2007 – 31.10.2010)


PROJECT SUMMARY: The aim of the ADDED VALUE project (funded with the STEER program of IEE) is to add value to big investments and infrastructures made for alternative, energy saving transport modes, which are either already in place or are being planned and implemented during the project time. This is to be achieved through applying marketing tools, and information and awareness campaigns to promote and make better use of these infrastructures

Why a project like ADDED VALUE?
The overall idea of ADDED VALUE is to improve the cost-benefit ratio of (expensive) infrastructure and investment measures in transport by supporting them with intensive (and relatively cheap) information and awareness campaigns so that they are more readily accepted and used by the citizens. Nowadays very often these big investment measures are implemented without any accompanying promotion. All the money is spent for construction and building, with no money provided for the necessary soft measures. This would be unthinkable in the car industry when a new model is produced. Similarly, if one builds a new very nice and fancy theatre, people would be aware of it and would appreciate it. But without an attractive programme they won’t use it for the purpose it was built – to visit plays. Taking these examples ADDED VALUE demonstrates the importance of the combination of hard measures (infrastructure & investments) with soft measures (marketing, information, promotion) to maximise cost-benefit effects.

In eleven different cities and regions all over Europe applications have been implemented dealing with the promotion of big investments / infrastructure measures by soft measures such as mobility management and travel awareness campaigns to promote energy efficient clean transport. The promotions include pedestrian zones and walking as well as cycling, public transport and multi-modal (e.g. park & ride). The applications are carried out in Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Romania, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, France and Bulgaria.

The whole range of campaigns and measures from the Added Value project varies from the pure design and dissemination of information material, to public participation of users in the decision and planning process, to possibilities for testing new behaviors including training sessions and finally to competitions, raffles and games. The activities target both emotional and rational aspects. While engaging and consulting with stakeholders, decision makers and planners, the target groups for these campaigns are mainly end users – the citizens.

Implementation in Varna, Bulgaria
Cycle training for schools
Promotion of the newly constructed cycling path of almost 10 km was the goal of the Added Value project. The overall campaign was based on three activities: the organization of information days, provision of bicycle training in the schools and a “Day without car” campaign. One of the most successful activities was bicycle training, conducted in 10 Varna schools with more than 500 participants. Almost as many teachers and parents were indirectly trained as well. Cycling safety experts introduced the most important road signs and basic safety rules to the trainees. The practical lessons were assessed as a cycling competition with the winning team representing the school in the 24th May procession. Amateur short movies were shot in some of the schools and will later be used during road safety lessons. The campaign was covered by local media and was viewed by an audience of almost 550 000.

More information: http://eu-added-value.eu

PROJECT: “e-TREAM – E-Learning for training energy agencies in mobility MANAGEment and alternative fuels”

Supported by: Intelligent Energy Europe

DURATION: January 2006 – July 2008


  • B&SU, Germany
  • BSRAEM – Black Sea Regional Agency for Energy Management – Varna
  • Bulgaria Energy Agency of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • Energies Environment 74 –  France
  • BALTEF – Baltic Energy Forum, Germany
  • Regional Energy Agency of Crete –  Greece
  • REACM – Regional Energy Agency of Central Macedonia Anatoliki SA Greece
  • EC-BREC – Association of Polish Energy Actors at local and regional level –  Poland
  • BAPE – Baltycka Agencja poszanowania Energii S.A.,Poland
  • OEINERGE – Agência Municipal de Energia e Ambiente de Oeiras –  Portugal
  • Harghita Energy Management Public Service –  Romania
  • FAEN – Fundación Asturiana de la Energía – Spain
  • AER – Agència Energètica de La Ribera – Spain, Energikontor Sydost – Sweden
  • CRES Training Section –  Greece, Team Red Networks KG


The objective of this project is to complement their activities by integrating these training modules in an e-learning platform, available for all Energy Agencies. This way the staff of the Energy Agencies can extend their skills independently from time or location via internet or on a CD-ROM, even after the duration of the project. In the project the partner Energy Agencies will use their new skills for implementing new services for mobility issues.

Activities: The project is structured in 8 work packages including project management. The project has basically three phases:


  • The development of the e-learning platform for training;
  • The training of the Energy Agencies;
  • The implementation of new services
  • Work Package 1: Analysis of the demand for training;
  • Work Package 2: Formation of and Expert Board;
  • Work Package 3: Development of the e-learning platform;
  • Work Package 4: Application of the e-learning platform;
  • Work Package 5: Implementation of new services;
  • Work Package 6: Review of the new services and project evaluation;
  • Work Package 7: Dissemination / Common dissemination.

Expected results:

  1. The partner energy agencies will be able to offer new services in the transport sector;
  2. The employees will be trained and then multiply the effects with their consulting and dissemination activities;
  3. The e-learning tools will provide modules for individual training sessions to enhance the transport knowledge of the Energy Agencies;
  4. The new services will promote an increased awareness and a reduction of energy consumption in the transport sector.

These new services will have a positive effect in many areas, for example:

  • Reduction of energy consumption and pollution (air, noise)
  • Optimization of the transport system (transport plans etc.)
  • Reduction of accidents
  • Promotion of alternative fuels (CNG, bio-fuels, electric cars etc.)
  • Promotion of mobility management (for schools, companies, authorities etc.)
  • Promotion of more sustainable transport modes (walking, biking, public transport etc.)
  • Awareness raising and information campaigns for a more sustainable mobility
  • Sufficient mobility opportunities for all citizens (especially handicapped, families, elderly)
  1. The project will contribute to several European guidelines for example the Green Book or the “White Book of Transport”.



PROJECT: “GreenS – Green Public Procurement Supporters for Innovative and Sustainable Institutional Change”

Supported by: H2020-EE-2014-2015/H2020-EE-2014-3-MarketUptake, Agreement No: 649860 


A.L.E.S.S.CO – Local Energy Agency for Sustainable Development – Province of Cosenza (ALESSCO) Italy Cosenza www.alessco.it
ENERGIKONTOR NORR Sweden Luleå www.energikontornorr.se
Cyprus Energy Agency (CEA) Cyprus Lefkosia www.cea.org.cy
Regione Calabria (Regione Calabria) Italy Catanzaro www.regione.calabria.it
Fundación Medio Ambiente, Energía y Sostenibilidad Provincia de Cádiz (Agencia Provincial de la Energía Cádiz) Spain Cádiz www.agenciaenergiacadiz.org
Local Energy Agency Pomurje (LEA Pomurje) Slovenia Martjanci www.lea-pomurje.si
Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia (Skupnost občin Slovenije) Slovenia www.skupnostobcin.si
Black Sea Regional Agency for Energy Management (BSRAEM) Bulgaria Varna www.bsraem.org
RIGAS DOME (RIGAS DOME) Latvia Riga www.riga.lv
Τμήμα Περιβάλλοντος – Υπουργείο Γεωργίας Φυσικών Πόρων και Περιβάλλοντος – Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment (Department of Environment) Cyprus Lefkosia www.moa.gov.cy/moa/environment/environment.nsf/index_gr/index_gr?OpenDocument
National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria (NAMRB) Bulgaria Sofia www.projects-namrb.org

PROJECT SUMMARY: With the expansion of the Covenant of Mayors initiative and the progress of Sustainable Energy Action Plans’ (SEAPs) implementation across Europe, the necessity of consistent improvement of the performance is growing. One of the main challenges that public authorities face in this process is achievement of higher results with limited resources. GreenS project is designed to focus the attention of public authorities to the Green Public Procurement (GPP), Life Cycle Cost of the products and Life Cycle Procurement analysis as part of their means to achieving the ambitious goals for exceeding the EU 20% CO2 reduction by 2020.

The successful application of the GPP and its prioritization by strengthening capacity of the public authority administration is the main goal of the GreenS project. Another aim of the project is to overcome the barriers and obstacles to implementation of GPP by establishment of Green Public Procurement Supporters (G.PP.S) units within the partner energy agencies. Thus project is tied with the Covenant of Mayors initiative by offering opportunity to the energy agencies in their role of CoM supporting structures to mobilize and improve their expertise in the area of GPP implementation, and to provide more comprehensive, efficient and highly professional technical support to the local and regional authorities.

The aims of the project are to be achieved by the following activities, that will be carried out by an European consortium of 14 partners from 8 EU countries.

  • Analysis of best/bad practices in GPP implementation and identification of the main necessities, obstacles and issues faced by the public authorities
  • Trainings for trainers and for public procurement experts will be carried out throughout the partner countries. The training materials will be elaborated by the project consortium and an e-learning platform will enable continuous capacity building.
  • Each region will be equipped with a training and capacity building programme as well as with a concept for institutionalization of the GPP training
  • Green Public Procurement Supporters units will be established within the partner energy agencies, which staff will be trained to give technical support to public authorities in the field of GPPs
  • Steering Committees with main stakeholders will be created and will be actively involved in development of strategies, identification of obstacles to GPP process and for creation of policy recommendations
  • A database with technical templates will be created and pilot GPP procedures will be carried out by 21 public administrations, with the active support of GreenS experts.

The GreenS consortium is structured by seven Energy Agencies, and 7 institutional bodies thus ensuring the multilevel cooperation and policy improvement in the GPP area.

Why GPP?

Why would anyone want to procure green? There are two simple arguments for it:

    • because we care for the environment and
    • because it costs less.

GPP is about several benefits, e.g.:

  • environmental (achieving environmental goals, perception about environmental questions),
  • economy (GPP saves money and material, if the costs of the life circle are taken into account),
  • political (GPP is an effective way of showing the commitment of the public sector to environment protection and to sustainable consumption and to production) and social and health care (improving the quality of life).

There are more reasons for a public authority to choose the green procurement, GreenS is here to complete the list.


GreenS way of GPP Guidebook

How GREENS project supported Europe’s public authorities in the process of GPP?


PROJECT: “SEAP-PLUS – Adding to SEAP – more participants, more content across Europe”

Supported by: Intelligent Energy Europe

DURATION: 01/04/2012 – 30/09/2014


  • Technical Chamber, Гърция
  • Climate Alliance of Austria, Austria
  • BSRAEM, Bulgaria
  • Bulgaria Cyprus Energy Agency, Cyprus
  • ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH, Germany
  • Energy Environment Local Development Ltd (EPTA), Greece
  • Local Energy Agency for Renewable Sources and Sustainable Development, Italy
  • Regional Energy Agency of Liguria, Italy
  • State Ltd. Vides Projekti, Latvia
  • Romanian Municipalities Association, Romania
  • Local Energy Agency Pomurje, Slovenia
  • Barcelona Provincial Council, Spain
  • Jokkmokk Municipality, Sweden


PROJECT SUMMARY: SEAP-PLUS aims at the enhancement of the CoM results and impact in both quantitative and qualitative terms: bring more Signatories and Supporting Structures in CoM, assist and help them in the preparation of more and better SEAPs, but also trigger cooperation of Local Authorities with Regional Authorities and Energy Stakeholders and cooperation between experienced and learning CoM participants.

• Promote and obtain the adhesion of more Local and Regional Authorities to the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) – as Signatories and Supporting Structures respectively – as well as the submission of more and better SEAPs. The former objective will be achieved be tackling a specific set of non-technical barriers that Local And Regional Authorities face in the CoM process, while the latter by the addition of more emission sectors in a SEAP and the use of reliable, localized energy data. Moreover, help Local Authorities understand and prepare their SEAP after adhesion to the CoM
• Facilitate collaboration among Local Authorities, Regional Authorities and respective Energy Stakeholders. Moreover, the signing of Memoranda of Understanding and Memoranda of Cooperation between these stakeholders will extend their cooperation after the duration of the project
• Support direct knowledge transfer between “experienced” and “learning” regional partners by creating pairs of collaborating regions. Disseminate results and methods of this collaboration to other regions that wish to involve more actively to the CoM initiative.
• Help in the integration of SEAP in regional policies by the organization of dedicated workshops and the collaboration of Local and Regional Authorities
• Promote understanding and use of European policies and funding instruments and programmes like ELENA, IEE, JESSICA, Structural Funds, etc by Local Authorities. Moreover, help these Authorities to start preparing proposals in order to fund SEAP measures and policies. Regional governments will be the main target and they will be asked to adjust regional policies according to EU objectives 20-20-20.
• Reach out and inform as many as possible Local, Regional, National and European stakeholders using a broad set of dissemination activities like the organization of European Energy Days and National Events, production of an educational film, dissemination of informative material, etc

More information: http://www.seap-plus.eu



PROJECT: “COMPETENCE – Strengthening the knowledge of local management agencies in the transport field”

DURATION: 2004 – 2006

Supported by: EIE PROGRAMME – Call for proposals 2003

Lead partner: FGM-AMOR, Austria

PROJECT SUMMARY: COMPETENCE is a direct answer to the issues raised in the first call for STEER: It aims to enhance the transport know-how of management agencies and their abilities to propose and manage and implement projects. It has chosen a bottom up approach: 21 local/regional agencies (mainly energy agencies, but also related to public transport and health) of almost all European countries are actively involved and transfer their competences nationally.

The overall aim of COMPETENCE is to strengthen the knowledge of management agencies in the transport field so that these agencies will

  • support the implementation of relevant policies and activities of the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme
  • promote the take up of best practice and other measures aiming at increased energy efficiency and use of alternative fuels in transport
  • support local actors to collaborate in relevant programmes and project participation
  • network on transnational and national levels

The following two tables show the short- and long-term objectives of COMPETENCE and how we plan to achieve them.

Main activities

COMPETENCE has three main tasks:
1) European Training of national trainers who act as national anchor points
2) Consolidation of know-how through the imple­mentation of training case studies in local context
3) Know-how transfer by national follower trainings and seminars / Dissemination and networking, primarily  via E-campus

The COMPETENCE curriculum covers various aspects of transport and energy savings as well as European policies and programmes, project management, didactics and pedagogic methods. It bases on a preliminary analysis of needs and demands of the agencies.

Expected impacts

COMPETENCE will bring about more than 20 well educated national trainers and 250 trained persons in national follower trainings within the project duration. The impacts reach far beyond the project duration: E-Campus, best practices (international collection and local implementation), training-handbook with written materials, presentations in up to 15 languages, trained trainers, outreach to new agencies and new project participation.

PROJECT: Creation of new Energy Management agencies in the Loire County (France), the Warmland Region (Sweden), and the Pomurje Region (Slovenia), Dobrich Municipality and Bourgas Region (Bulgaria)

DURATION: 2005 – 2008

Supported by:
IEE Programme, EACI 95 000 EUR (50%)
Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities 95 000 EUR (50%)


General goal of the project:
To support sustainable development and effectiveness of Energy Management in the municipalities in the Black Sea region.

Specific objectives of the project:
1. To contribute to the development of Regional Action Plan for the “Reduction and Stabilization of the CO, SO, NO and other emissions”.
2. To contribute through energy efficiency improvement to the resolution of national tasks of the energy and environment policy, thus contributing to the sustainable social and economic development of the Bulgarian Black Sea Region.
3. To create conditions for reduction of the burden of energy costs on municipal budgets and for utilization of the money saved for funding of other priority activities on the area of the Black Sea located municipalities.
4. To contribute through energy efficiency improvement to the reduction of the energy costs of individual end users in the municipalities on the Black Sea Region (businesses and households).
5. To contribute to the formation of energy conservation policy at all management levels in the Bulgarian Black Sea Region as means to achieving economic and environmental benefits for the region.
6. To promote RUE and RES and development of RES in the Black Sea region of Bulgaria.
7. To assist the process of institutional development and capacity building in the Black Sea Region as a prerequisite for the initiation, development and implementation of energy efficiency programs.
8. To assist the development of a local market and promote local manufacture of energy-saving materials, products and services.
9. To assist technology transfer and exchange of experience, know-how and information on energy efficiency.

Core activities:

  • Development of projects, strategies and programs in the filed of the energy efficiency;
  • Awareness raising and capacity building of all sectors (local and regional authorities, business, NGOs, media, students and general public), about the possibilities for implementation of energy efficiency measures in the industry and household lifestyle;
  • Dissemination of opportunities and participative activities for energy saving and using of renewable energy sources;
  • Development of joint activities with the project partners from France, Sweden and Slovenia.

Expected results:
1. Established new energy agencies in the Bulgarian Black Sea region – Dobrich Local Agency for Energy Management and Bourgas Regional Agency for Energy Management.
2. Sustenance or improvement of the quality of life and of the environment.
3. Development of “Action Plan for Reduction and Stabilization of the CO Emissions”.
4. Permanent control of local operation costs related to energy use.
5. Increase of the economic benefits / profits of the building administration due to the application of energy conservation measures.



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bul. “Osmi Primorski Polk” 67А

tel. +359 888 601 500

e-mail: energy@ubbsla.org